Cantopop Superstar Andy Lau making his presence felt

It was a long-awaited reunion for fans of Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau – a 14-year wait in fact – since the singer-actor’s last concert here in 2005. And it was not just women who flocked to see him in action; the men were also there in full force, even on the last night of his show here on Sunday.

时隔14年回娘家开唱 刘德华向“华嫂们”送飞吻比心心

一连3场《My Love Andy Lau 刘德华世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站在中秋节正式开锣,“天王”刘德华更与特别送上《月亮代表我的心》一曲,引起万人合唱共度中秋夜。刘德华以农历计算称自己即将迈入59岁,笑言虽然一把年纪,不过都多次自夸:“即使变伯父,都是靓仔伯父。”之后他更笑称自己都是靠“靓仔”行走娱乐圈几十年,自封“靓仔歌王”!