Named her world tour as “Drift”, Penny expresses, “I hope we can resemble the carefree wind, gracefully drifting with a sense of freedom and ease, even when confronted with challenges.”
The highly-praised “Drift” world tour embarked from Taipei last July and achieved a sellout. The tour then expanded to numerous cities in China, including Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Changsha, among others. Penny’s performances have garnered exceptional reviews and generated outstanding word-of-mouth from her devoted fans.
The concert is structured into four segments, all centered around the theme of “wind”: “Facing the Wind,” “Riding the Wind,” “Strong Winds,” and “Follow the Wind.” The stage design meticulously integrates elements that breathe life into the abstract concept of “wind,” creating an atmospheric flow and captivating visuals. It promises to be an immersive experience that will resonate with your heart and soul. Penny will present her carefully curated repertoire of 25 songs from both her old and new albums. She eagerly anticipates meeting her fans, sharing her music and stories, and inspiring them to explore the connection between music and life. The concert is poised to evolve into a meaningful interaction with her fans, creating lasting memories.
戴佩妮特别将专辑的开场曲《随风所欲》中的“欲”改为“遇”,以命名了这次世界巡演为《随风所遇》。她分享了她内心的想法:“乘着已完成的歌,看它会带我去向何方~”,并补充说:“希望我们都能像自由的风一样,即使不能事事随心所欲,也能在风中自由自在、安然所遇。”戴佩妮《随风所遇》巡演首站今年7月在台北取得了成功,演唱会座无虚席,随后于8月底正式在中国多个城市展开巡演,包括上海、北京、南京、深圳、成都、广州,武汉,长沙等城市,演唱会迎来好评及极佳的口碑,每场演出现场仿佛将观众带入了大型KTV,全场观众高声合唱!戴佩妮在演出中与粉丝有非常好的互动,现场还一口气演绎了25首新旧歌曲,包括她在《隨风所遇》时期发布的《被动的观众》专辑中的歌曲。 这次演唱会以“风”为主题,分为“迎风”、“乘风”、“疾风”和“隨風”四个部分。舞台设计充分运用了各种元素,将抽象的“风”呈现为可见的存在,创造出大气流动和唯美构图的现场,为观众带来了非常具有“风”格的演唱会体验!