Following the resounding success of his previous tours in Malaysia in 2022 and 2023, the multi-award-winning Mandapop sensation Gary Chaw is poised to make a triumphant return with the second encore performance of his acclaimed “Crazy For Live” tour.
“Crazy For Live” perfectly encapsulates Gary Chaw’s passionate spirit and his interpretation of the power of music over the years. In the first concert, Gary presented a unique blend of elements, selecting Cantonese pop classics that had deeply influenced his upbringing and infusing them with innovative expressions, breathing new life into these classics, allowing the audience to relive shared memories and emotional experiences through music. Last year’s encore performance featured an upgraded stage and predominantly featured Gary’s own chart-topping songs, evoking cherished memories shared by the audience. Both shows were a huge success, with the venue packed to the brim.
Gary, hailed as the sole Malaysian male singer to have won the esteemed Golden Melody Award, is renowned for his commanding vocal prowess. In recent years, Gary Chaw’s musical influence and popularity have soared to new heights. Tickets for his concerts in Sydney, Melbourne, and even Macau sold out rapidly, underscoring his global recognition and prowess in the music industry. The forthcoming concert in Atlantic City in April has further heightened anticipation among fans worldwide.
For his upcoming 2nd encore show, Gary will be joined by eight exceptional musicians on stage, promising a more spectacular performance than ever before. In addition to revamped song arrangements, state-of-the-art sound equipment and stage lighting will be deployed to deliver a fresh visual and auditory experience for audiences.
Gary “Crazy for Live 2nd Encore Live in Malaysia is organised by Resorts World Genting and promoted by Star Planet,
续2022和2023年在马来西亚举办的两场盛大演唱会并取得了巨大成功,备受瞩目的华语乐坛“金曲歌王”曹格即将再次降临马来西亚,带来他《Crazy For Live》的第二次的安可场表演。《Crazy For Live》是曹格多年来对于在舞台上那种狂热的精神和对音乐的力量的完美诠释。
这两次演出都座无虚席,曹格现场表演真挚动人,每一次流露出的真情都让观众为之动容。他的投入与实力唱腔不容置疑,每一次表演都让人觉得物超所值。这次,曹格《Crazy For Live 2nd Encore – 马来西亚2024》将是Gary对上两场演出成功的延续,他将与8位杰出乐手同台演绎,为了呈现更加震撼的演出,曹格进行了全新编排与改进,同时通过精心设计的舞台布景和服装搭配,为观众带来全新的视觉与听觉享受,将艺术与科技完美融合,打造出一场奇妙绝伦的音乐盛宴。
近年来,曹格的音乐影响力与热度节节攀升,他在悉尼、墨尔本乃至澳门的演唱会门票一经发售便被抢购一空,再次证明了他在国际乐坛的高知名度与实力。而即将到来的4月北美大西洋城演出更是引发了全球歌迷的热切期待。曹格《Crazy For Live 2nd Encore – 马来西亚2024》是由云顶世界荣誉呈现、Star Planet星艺娱乐为演唱会策划与统筹。