Michael Jackson of Sabah among fans who meet King of Pop impersonator

“Hundreds of fans of King of Pop Michael Jackson impersonator, Rodrigo Teaser gathered at the ground floor of Imago Shopping Center here to meet the famous star at a fan meeting session on Friday.
Tiket habis, Kumpulan Rock UNGU tambah satu malam lagi Konsert di Kuala Lumpur

Kumpulan popular Indonesia, Ungu yang bakal mengadakan konsert pada 18 November ini menambah satu malam lagi selepas mendapat sambutan cukup hebat daripada peminat.
SUPER JUNIOR add Malaysian concert to ongoing ‘SUPER SHOW 9: ROAD’ world tour

K-Pop group Super Junior will be back in Malaysia on Oct 10 with its highly-anticipated Super Show 9: Road world tour concert.
#Showbiz: ‘Michael Lives Forever World Tour’ arrives in Malaysia this September

The King of Pop Michael Jackson may have left us 13 years ago, but his legacy of world class performances has been resurrected vividly by multi-talented Rodrigo Teaser.
Malaysian girl group Dolla’s virtual concert to raise fund

Malaysian girl group Dolla has been the talk of the town lately, especially when the quartet was featured on Spotify’s New York Times Square billboard last month. The girls are following up the buzz with a virtual concert called Stay Strong Malaysia.

本地25组歌手、音乐人和艺术表演者将在9月16日(四)的晚间8时,以零酬劳相挺《Konsert Satu Hati同心艺意》线上慈善演唱会,携手“Projek Satu Hati”筹募RM8-暖食关爱行列,为有需要人士送一餐温饱,在疫情下为社会送暖。